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Public Safety Evaluations

The Isaac Ray Forensic Group’s Public Safety Program is well known and respected throughout Illinois. We serve law enforcement and fire protection agencies as well as emergency response and special assignment teams. Our clinicians take considerable care with applicants and personnel who come for evaluation at our Program and we make the relationship with the agencies we serve a priority. We offer detailed verbal and written feedback to our referral sources in an attempt to help agencies optimize hiring decisions, restore their unfit personnel to productive, contributing team members, and reduce liability.

Pre-employment screening is a required element in the hiring process of public safety personnel. Our Group’s individualized psychological evaluations and reports are unique and have made a significant contribution to the hiring decision-making process of numerous public safety agencies. We utilize the best empirically validated instruments in the field and our interviews are comprehensive. Each report includes a detailed psychological profile, relevant background information, a description of risk factors the candidate poses for experiencing conduct or integrity problems in a public safety position, and clear recommendations for acceptability. We work closely with polygraphers and offer chain-of-custody drug screening for agencies that wish to pursue a combined evaluation and report. Agencies receive verbal feedback regarding applicant acceptability within 24 hours and written reports follow within 72 hours.

Fitness for duty evaluations may become necessary when an individual encounters problems once in a public safety position. Helping an agency restore a previously productive employee by creating performance improvement plans that facilitate an effective return to work and reduce liability are the goals of our service. Clinicians review performance evaluations, disciplinary action and commendations, citizen complaints and compliments, conduct collateral interviews with supervisors and review relevant medical records. Our reports and corrective recommendations are clear and concise, and our clinicians collaborate closely with management and legal departments to create a tailored return to work plan for each employee.

Isaac Ray Forensic Group, LLC • 65 E. Wacker Place, Suite 2240 • Chicago, Illinois 60601 • Ph: 312.621.9002 Fax: 312.621.9003 E: info@irfg.org